I need help with spawn, I do not know how to limit the amount of dinos

I need help with spawn, I do not know how to limit the amount of dinos

I created the spawn areas, created the volumes, created the blueprint with the dinos that I wish to spawn, but it is spawning many, they are filling the map in seconds.

already tried NPCs Spawn Offsets, NPCs to Spawn Percentage Chance, Entry Weight, NPCSpawn Limits…seems to not work, the spawn happens randomly through the game

There was a tutorial made by exilog:

I would compare with that and see if anything got missed

I had this issue once, no matter what i did about resizing, moving, or changing settings, Nothing worked. I just recreated the whole thing, and it worked just fine. If you are resizing the volumes by directly changing the numbers, that could be the issue. Try just using the resizing in the actual editor window. I heard using the direct numbers causes issues, But I cant verify, other then after the time i had that issue, I always used the scaling option inside the editor window directly, I never had the issue again.

That was the reason, thank you, my friend! and thank you to everyone who commented.

Yay, I helped someone. Hours of frustration with my own problem paid off!
Glad you got it worked out!