Hello, I wanted to ask, I started programming and wanted to make a command for notes, I wrote it, I hope it’s correct, but every time I get close to a note, my character stops moving, could anyone help me?
Hi there @Denturnet. Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums!
This topic has been moved from Community Showcase to Programming & Scripting: Blueprint.
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Hopefully, this category change will help you to get an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing!
Hey there @Denturnet! Welcome to the community! After you’ve closed your UI, do any of your controls remain working? Do you ever swap over to UI mode for inputs? If so you do have to swap back when done. Alternatively, it’s possible that your inputs are being consumed by the UI. If you select your E button right there, you can look in it’s details for “Consume input”. Disable this for all actions you want to happen on both the player controller and UI at once.
Could we see the other blueprints as well?
Might be that i’m missing something, but it looks like you have this set up to disable input when you end overlap, which is going to stop your character from moving and then it will have no way of getting back into the overlap to enable the inputs again. May be better to just have a variable that is toggled when you enter and exit the overlap, and branch off of that.
Aaaand how can I do that ?
Something like this. This will allow your movement inputs to work while the widget is open, it will turn the widget off if it is open and you leave the overlap, it will turn it on if you are overlapping, press the button, and it is not already on, it will turn it off if it is on and you press the button.
So do i just add it to the second blueprint or should i connect it to one of the ones i have there?
Whichever blueprint contains the overlap collision is the blueprint you would want to put the code in, should be the player characters. You could set the overlap event up in the level blueprint too, it makes no difference really. You could make a random actor blueprint, enable input on it, and run the code out of that… it does not matter.
Ok, thank you so much, I’ll try it, you have it with me
Hey my bad, i used the wrong node in my example. Instead of using the is valid node, you have to use “is visibile node”. My mistake.
both ?
Will look something like this. I can’t plug them in cause they aren’t actually references it’s just an example.
Yeah,i see I’ll try ty
Um hi its me again i just bought some assets or templates could you help me how to put them in the game because somehow I can’t do
Hey there @Denturnet! What assets did you snag? Do they have any documentation?