I need Help with my UEFN map..

Could someone please help me? I imported FAB models into my fortnite creative world but i am unable to play the map because everytime it comes up with errors. I think it is having trouble valitating, but i am not experienced with uefn yet.

Heres the error code if you want to see it- google doc

Hey Swawrce,

One thing I noticed is your Fortnite Projects is in a OneDrive folder,
Probably unrelated to the validation issues, but using OneDrive backup with UEFN is problematic.
eg one probs is when deleting something in UEFN, OneDrive will come along and restore it later on.
Change your Fortnite Projects folder to either not use OneDrive or move it to a location out of OneDrive.
Use UEFN Edit Preferences to add the new project location.

Anyway the log shows, that the invalid assets were eventually validated, but some materials didn’t.

In editor run the validation from right click on selected assets.

I think you may have to edit the materials to make them work.

Some older FAB stuff still has materials made before the update that limited material options for better performance on Switch and low end PC’s.
I don’t know how to do that offhand, but there has been a few good posts on it here about it.

Heres the docs, maybe you can open the material and change the invalid nodes.

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