So I’ve been using UE4 for a week now and i need to know how to be able to activate first person interactions with the mouse key , i.e : i need to be able to interact with all objects with the mouse cursor (open doors , pick up items , etc.) very similar to the game “Gone Home” , if someone could show me a blueprint that i could use it would be much appreciated , thanks beforehand , please answer , i’m begging
There are multiple ways to show the mouse cursor and enable mouse interactions and make it interact with objects (actors). In blueprints, you can get your playercontroller and enable the default MouseEvent booleans to true when you need it (Set ShowMouseCursor = true, set EnableClickEvent = true):
Now you should see a mousecursor in your game.
If you want to make an actor react on a click, go into it’s blueprint and select the corresponding event for that and drag&drop it into the EventGraph:
You should also ask yourself at which point you want to enable the mouseinteractions in your game:
when he opens a menu, presses a certain key or always during the game?