I Need Help With Making a Roller Coaster

I can’t find a good tutorial on how to make a roller coaster with out them being out of date, not explaining what they are doing, or being told to go download something that’s out of date or worse having to buy something on the market place. I’m asking for help since I don’t understand much of how the blueprints or C++ works. I am fairly new to this engine and the only thing I can understand on how to get this to work is to make a spline as a path way but I don’t know how to make something like a cart and have the player automatically be forced to follow the spline to make a working coaster with the player able to look around.

Hi Comander0, check out this video tutorial and a few others in that channel, and it should get your started on making tracks and finding location / rotation along a spline.
Linky link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9yPg8oDS9E