im working on this quickstart as an intro to developing. I cannot get this timeline down i need it to go up and down after i jump off it. Ive been working at this for 2 hours. Any Help? ( I dont know where to place it either)
Haven’t really deep-checked the documentation on that project but if you wanna touch that thing and get launched, i don’t see why you would need that timeline. On touch just get the launch node to launch the character towards the desired direction vector, times the desired force I think.
Launch Character works with physics. Just apply the desired force towards the normalized direction times any number.
assuming your talking about section 7:5 where it says “sing Timelines, add some animation to the Box Mesh to represent it launching the character”. what i would do to accomplish this is to add in a sequence node between the branch and the launch character nodes, out pin 0 would go to launch node and output pin1 you will want to go to a set variable node, in this case you will want to have a vector variable which will be set to the launchpad actors location. then connect the set node to the play from start pin on the timeline. you should then double click the timeline to open it and create a float track which goes from 0 to the height you want the launchpad to move (20-50ish uu) and then back to 0. once thats done return to the event graph and off the update pin of the timeline connect a set actor location node. the location we use will be a combination of the initial actor location and the timelines output value. so we need to get the variable we created earlier and then connect it to a vector +vector node. then right click the second input on on the vector +vector and select split struct pin. connect the float track from the timeline to the Z pin. then connect the output of the vector + vector to the set actor location node. that should get you up and running.
oh and a few things to note: first this is a very basic example so it will need more work / tweaking to look good. second as this currently is it will only work for a singleplayer game and your launcher will only affect the player and not the enemies. third thing to note as you can see in the picture i posted your cast to character isnt really necessary, instead of get player pawn you can just use get player character in this instance, your way works but to me the fewer nodes and the simpler then better.