I need help with a master blueprint

Hello everyone! (I will use Google Translate) I need help but first I want to explain what I am doing and what I need:

I have been developing an open world anthem style video game for 3 years, I am only 1 person, and the truth is that I finished creating the main maps approximately 1 month ago, my problem is programming since my knowledge is very basic and I don’t know how to who to go to.

I have all the character animations, although not in detail, however, I need to create a parent blueprint of weapons, which contains:

It’s in Spanish but I’ll translate it in order:

Nombre → Name ( weapon name)
Estilo → Style (basic, legendary, rare, epic weapon, etc.)
Arma → Static mesh (variable)
Avatar → Weapon Icon or avatar…
Nivel → Level
Balas trazadoras → tracer bullets (some bullets can be luminous)
Velocidad Balas → bullet speed ( depending on the power is the speed of the bullets and the damage)
Disparos por segundo → shots per second
Armas → shots per second (This is what type of weapon it will be, whether pistol, assault rifle, automatic rifle, shotgun, etc.)
Sonido de disparo → gunshot sound ( variable sound)
Sonido de recarga → Reload sound
Postura → animation posture (Posture that the character will have when having a specific weapon (must change depending on rifle, pistol, or shotgun)
Recarga → Reload (reload animation variable)
Disparo → shot (shot movement)
Movimiento → Movement with weapon (running movement with weapon equipped)

What I just showed is the child blueprint, the parent has only exposed variables, my idea is: Create this with the purpose of being able to duplicate this “child” in the future and add names, static mesh, level, shots, sounds and specific animations Depending on the weapon, mostly one rifle animation will work for many rifles, but eventually it can be a specific rifle with specific animations and sounds.

As I said before, I don’t know much about programming, I lack logic but despite that I will not give up on creating this game since it has been 3 years creating maps, armor, weapons, and I don’t want programming to stop all this, that is why I ask help, thank you very much!

So for the name tag have it set to an open variable so it can be adjusted based off of X Reason, With X reason being dropped from a creature or dropped from a chest or anything. Simply run all your data like this, then create a system that randomizes this data when it is created, so picking a number 1-10 as your level then for bullet speed the same it pick a speed from 1000-2000 speed faster bullet speed = faster projectile speed. Then reload and everything else is all the same. Just create the system that randomizes everything, give it constraints like if a weapon is level 10 its reload speed must be maxed at like 5 or something, or another example would be if the weapon is level 2 then the reload speed can be like 2 or 1, exc exc…

Hope this helps!

Entonces, para la etiqueta de nombre, configúrela en una variable abierta para que pueda ajustarse en función de X Reason, con X Reason siendo arrojado de una criatura o de un cofre o cualquier cosa. Simplemente ejecute todos sus datos de esta manera, luego cree un sistema que aleatorice estos datos cuando se creen, por lo que elija un número del 1 al 10 como su nivel y luego, para la velocidad de la bala, elija una velocidad de 1000-2000 velocidad de bala más rápida = mayor velocidad del proyectil. Luego recarga y todo lo demás sigue igual. Simplemente cree el sistema que aleatorice todo, déle restricciones como si un arma es de nivel 10, su velocidad de recarga debe ser máxima como 5 o algo así, u otro ejemplo sería si el arma es de nivel 2, entonces la velocidad de recarga puede ser como 2 o 1, exc exc…

También usaré el traductor de Google.

¡Espero que esto ayude!

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Hey, thank you very much for translating this for me, it’s very helpful and I really appreciate it.

I have everything you mentioned to me hosted in a parent blueprint, which has children, however, the parent blueprint I do not know specifically how to configure or link it to the character, such as animations, I am attaching images.

here I basically configure the weapon mesh change, and name.

Here I configure the type of weapon using an “enum” and add each corresponding animation. I still don’t have the custom one, I don’t think I’m right in what I’m doing but I think the idea is understood.

Could you help me how to configure each element?

I have a parent weapon class that holds all the primary logic for weapon use. Base config structs, ballistics struct, FX struct etc etc.

Begin play calls a build config function that sets the structs based on Weapon gameplay tag via a Data Table.


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I just want something like that, do you have the animations for the weapon or directly on the skeletal?

Stored in struct and called via montage when needed.

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This weekend I was trying to recreate something like the above, without success. I don’t want to give up but it’s hard for me.

well this kind of comment means really nothing other then your asking for help but dont know how to word it i suppose. What is the issue that you would be having? Start a new question similar questions dont usually go unanswered. Best of luck to you.

Yes, basically I am asking for help, but after a lot of searching I am creating everything with data assets, the comment of more help was very helpful to me, I think that from here on it is just practice. Thank you so much!

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