I need to spawn a maximum of 5 bomb in a SpawnArea Randomly. Player can pick up bomb which destroy the actor and add one ammo (projectile) (Bomb) to the player. Everytime a Player pick up a bomb, another one needs to Spawn 10 sec after.
How can I setup an easy setup for that. I’m new to this. I know how to tell it but don’t know how to make it.
here’s what I got so far
Hi, The way you can do it is, when one player pick a bomb, if you’re destroying the actor, just before destroying the actor you can respawn one bomb actor with a delay on begin play of 10 sec and it should be good
to see the basics of how its made go to [this post][1] that you commented on earlier.
Thanks ! that really helped!
WE got the projectile too, I’m starting to understand with what you did. Imma try to add the Bombs we pickup to our FirstPersonProjectile ammo. So we can only throw when we pick up bomb and cant if we dont have bomb. If I need help can I get back to you @ThompsonN13 ?