Heya, I’m trying to get the camera of the player to switch using camera actors that aren’t connected to the player character. I’m struggling with what I’m doing wrong and so far have dozens of blueprints based on various tutorials and none seem to work, I’ve tried making custom game modes and player controllers but to no avail, the camera will always be the one I set to auto activate for player0. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong and all of the tutorials I could find are for UE4 instead of UE5. I also read that you can use a camera manager blueprint to handle it but each blueprint seems to only be able to use the actors that I set in the blueprint editor viewport and not the ones available in the world, I have even tried to parent the cameras to the player spawn but that only affects the spawn actor and not the player character itself.
Make “Dummy” pawn that is just camera then posses and unposses when switching cameras.
Well you can add dispatcher in place like game instance (not in player character), and some ID (int32 or gameplay tag) in camera dummy pawn. Then you fire dispatcher, unposses all pawns (and player character) unless ID matches one of that camera pawn, then posses it. OR that can be donne from game instance trough loop: get all actors of camera pawn, unposses, and posses only one with matching ID.
Get actor reference → Set View Target with Blend. You just need to know where the actors are and what triggers the switch.
Each of the cameras need to be in an actor. So create an actor, give it a camera, set auto activate. Place in level.
Have the character or controller class get references to the actors. Then use Set target view with blend to toggle between the cameras.
You’ll need to pass either a reference to your Pawn or controller to get back to the characters cam.
If Pawn, use Pawn → Get Controller → Set target view…
Smart man…Delete the camera in the player character just so it doesn’t accidentally switch to it.
Go in the level blueprint…use “Set View Target With Blend”. Make sure you click on your dragged in Camera Actor, then in the event graph right click and get a ref to your camera actor and hook it to that node. I think it also need a get player controller. Feed the node off of an Event Begin play. If you notice issues with the camera switching off try feeding it from Event Tick.