I work on archiviz Project. I’m at stage of trying to achieve lighting and shadow settings witch satisfy my need. Do I do ERROR by duplicating level and trying to have several configurations for same scene.
Recently I went back to first level this original who was duplicated later and discovered to my surprise duplicated; directional light, skylight, postprocesvolumes, expotentialfog, BPskysphere?! I deleted duplicates.
I went back to recent level (duplicated from original) and found that my directional light, skylight, postprocesvolumes, expotentialfog, BPskyspher DESPAIRED !
WHAT WAS WRONG in my doing?
What are relations between duplicated levels in Project?
Is there any chance I can recover state of levels from before deleting lighting items?
It is a good idea to create sub-levels. Have one with lighting A and another one with lighting B and then make the one visible that you need.
Your lighting actors might just be in another level.
Load the other level as a sublevel
select the actors you need in this level
right click on the level you want the missing actors to be
from the context menu choose ‘move selected actors to this level’
You can also copy/cut/paste between levels
It is not good to copy a level in Windows explorer. Better select all actors in unreal and copy them into a new level. If you copy the level in win explorer you might get 2 levels with the same name in unreal’s browser.