I need help in obb Failed to create valid OBB. OBB may have exceeded 2 GiB limit


hello could you find a solution?

Go to android and check Allow large OBB files and at will fix your problem


Go to android and check Allow large OBB files and at will fix your problem

I am getting this issue when i am packaging the archviz project for android → OBB may have exceeded 2 GiB limit ue4. Can we package the android project larger then 6gb ?

Has anybody found a solution for this yet? Setting the Allow large OBB files doesn’t seem to make any difference, at least for me. I also make sure the Exclude Editor Content When Cooking and Create Compressed Cooked Packages settings were true. I also tried setting the Share Material Shader Code setting to true, but nothing really works.

I can get the project to build, but it always crashes on load when installing it on a GearVR device.

project settings:
1.Create compressed cooked packages
check it.
2.List of maps to include in a package build, only include the map you want to package.


Problem fixed here : Error: Failed to create valid OBB. OBB may have exceeded 2 GIB limit - YouTube