I need help, I have Windows XP

I have Windows XP.
I Am A Game Dev.
I Made Some Games.
Now I Need A New Engine.
Unreal 4 Engine.
How do I run it off of Windows XP?
If there is no regular way, is there a glitch (EX: The WinXP Thinks Its Win7 To Play Just Cause 2)
I already tried many glitchs and ways.
Anybody Know how to make it Run on Windows XP?

Heres My System Specs:
Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 3

Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz
3.00 GHZ, 2.00 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension

I don’t think UE4 supports directX 9 :frowning:

I installed win 8 - 64bit just so I could install UE4 (mainly because I didn’t have enough Ram because I had winXP 32bit) You could get win7/8 free via the microsoft bizspark program

Hello Sir. To provide serious games it is nearly impossible for you to run UE4 on a (I think) underpowered machine running WinXP. This OS is about 14 years old, so why are you waiting for buying a new PC + a newer OS ? Also the support of DirectX and and and with WinXP is not given. So sorry for telling you this …but it is true

Here is the link to the minimum software requirements. XP is not supported.

Minimum Software requirments

If you do not want to purchase an upgrade to your Windows, consider installing Unbuntu which is free to run UE4 on linux. UE4 Linux

I dont have a Linux

is free, , but check that your hardware meets requirements first. If your dev machine still has XP on it, it might not be able to run UE4 anyway.

So UE4 runs on unbuntu, but not winxp, so if i get , it might run?

can run it, but your pc hardware may be below the minimum requirements.