I need directions of how to set up a dash step. I know I need a reference for player one and player two. However, I'm not experienced with the nodes to go any farther than that. help

My idea is to get the distance of the second player and then with that variable I’ll be able to somehow get the first player to move on the side based on the second player distance.
This is just a rough image of how this should look like.

I’m still trying to be familiar with all the nodes

You can add a spline component to the player character like this:

It can also be it’s own actor but let’s keep it simple. Once it’s placed, add 3 more spline points by hitting Alt while dragging a point, making 5 points in total.

Also don’t forget to add this to Begin Play:

Then you can bind the action to a custom event like this:

(You can set the default value of the variable called “Dash Distance” to a desired value, but do not adjust any other values)

Here’s the rest of the code that’s connected to Event Tick:

Call that custom event after an input action to actually trigger it.

And here’s the result:

Hope this helps! :innocent:


So the only thing I need to do is move the actor with the spine, making it look like the character is moving to the side. right?

Also yeah, this is so helpful. I actually got a reference I can work on and learn from. You be surprised how many people will just throw tutorials at you and think that it’s helpful… It’s not helpful. Thank you.

It’s not just the visuals, the character is quite literally moving :blush:

You can also constanty set the world rotation of the player character to make it focus on the other player by adding the Set Actor Rotation node after the Event Tick as well, and play another animation for the duration if you want!

I do that too, there can be many reasons for that. My previous post wasn’t just an acceptable post, I went beyond what was necessary. We can’t expect others to solve our own issues while we’re not putting in effort ourselves, right? A guidance would suffice. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to accuse you of that but just wanted to clarify this due to the sentence that I quoted above.

It’s not a reference btw it’s the full code :rofl:

But of course you probably had other things in mind to add on top of that, right? To achieve those, you’d need to actually understand the logic that’s going on in my approach. It would definetly be better for you if you take a look at it yourself first, but if you can’t make sense of it, you can ask me to explain it! :innocent:

Yeah, I realize my mistake when I say reference.

And definitely, I will be coming back asking questions after I add this to my project. To get better with nodes I am writing down notes explaining how every node work and why does it work.

People want me to go back to the basics but I already went there multiple times and now I just need to work on a project. But I noticed that there are things that not even tutorials teach you about.

I’m having problems finding this node

Is this node the same thing?

Yep :blush:

You can split those yellow and purplish-grey pins by right clicking on them respectively, and clicking the Split Struct Pin option on the menu that pops up

I swear that was the first thing I did but it did not work, it was getting me more input that was yellow. now I feel stupid


yeah, that’s the first thing I did

Can you share a video showcasing what you did?

it’s okay now, I got it. And I doubt I can redo my mistakes now

I forgot the name of this one and I try to find it with the other operator nodes but it wasn’t there

It’s name is equal exactly but you can just search for “===”

I was expecting follow up questions on the logic actually. Please consider doing more research before posting these kind of questions. That would also be better for you since you’d actually learn and improve that way. :blush:

Please don’t get me wrong, I love helping! I’m saying this because I want you to learn fishing rather than expecting others to provide you fish. I hope you get my point.

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Yeah, that’s what I did. I am familiar that code existing but I can never know the name of it and when I try to look it up I couldn’t find anything on it like its name. I even ask a friend who went to college for coding and he said “What am I looking at”. you were the last person I asked, and I really did not want to ask you because I don’t want you to think I’m asking you for every little detail. A lot of people already did this to me, LOL. They even say it in a nice way with a smile emoji. Not trying to be mean or anything like that, I’m just saying this is very common.

But yes. the plan was to ask you about how these logic work together in more details, but after I went through research myself and trying to figure out what I can learn from this on my own

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