Hello, I saw some projects like USharp or Mono-UE4 and I wanted to implement my own scripting language since I don’t like the compile time. So my question is what are the processes that a class is going through to become an unreal engine class? Also what parts of the engine do I need to research?
I have tried to reverse engineer this engine, but it’s source code it’s way too big that it would take me a lot of time.
Sorry to say this but what you are looking to achieve impossible to without aaa budget and resource. Even big software houses are not doing that with unreal.
For less compile time you could use blueprint.
If you are on c++ then think about dividing project into plugins once you have like 10.000+ loc in a single project.
Or get cpu with more core and a good ssd.
Try this project. GitHub - nxrighthere/UnrealCLR: Unreal Engine .NET 6 integration
It is trying to use .net for unreal scripting