I meet a problem when i creat a new Actor class

I’m a beginner, I just creat a new Actor class, and I even do nothing and it appears bugs when I debugging, these are errors, I use translation tool to translate them, or I don’t konw how to translate, could you please help me, I’m nearly crushed…

1、Severity: Error (Active)

Code: E1455

Description: Member function declared with ‘override’ cannot override any base class members.

Project: Blaster

File: D:\for_put_EpicGameLauncher\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Serialization\ArchiveProxy.h

Line: 157

Details: This error indicates that an attempt to override a base class member function failed because no such function exists in the base class.

2、Same as Error 1

File Line: 167

Details: A similar error occurs on a different line of the same file, suggesting the same issue.

3、Severity: Error

Code: E0020

Description: Identifier “FTextureBuildSettings” is undefined.

Project: Blaster

File: D:\for_put_EpicGameLauncher\UE_5.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\Texture.h

Line: 2017

Details: This error indicates that the compiler cannot find the definition of FTextureBuildSettings, which is likely a struct or class used in the Texture header.

4、Severity: Error

Code: MSB3073

Description: The command “D:\for_put_EpicGameLauncher\UE_5.4\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat BlasterEditor Win64 Development -Project=“D:\UEProject\Blaster\Blaster.uproject” -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild -architecture=x64” exited with code 6.

Project: Blaster

File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets

Line: 44

Details: This error indicates that the build process failed with a specific exit code (6), which usually means there was an issue during the build process.

Message (Not an Error or Warning):

Severity: (Not specified, but indicated by a blue circle with a black exclamation mark)

Code: VCR102

Description: Browsing operations around this macro might fail. Please consider adding it to a hint file.

Project: (Not specified directly, but related to your project)

File: D:\UEProject\Blaster\Source\Blaster\Public\BaseGeometryActor.h

Line: 12

Details: This is a message from the Visual Studio IntelliSense engine suggesting that there might be issues with navigating or understanding the code around a macro. It’s not a critical error but indicates potential issues with code navigation.