So I’ve made 2 terrains in blender, I have the first one already in ue4, how can i attach to 2nd one to the side of the first one to make it one long terrain?
theres no way to “weld” them together for lack of a better term. if you want the verticies connected then you would need to do that back in blender.
you can however line them up like they were one piece. then you could parent one to the other or group them so that they move as one piece. basically there are a lot of things that can be done to mimic them being one mesh but they will still be noncontinuous separate meshes. so i suppose what you need to do really depends on your end goal, if your looking to do any kind of material displacement then i would go back to blender, if your just looking to have good placement then you could just wing it or measure the tiles and place accordingly.