I just want to see viewport, with playing in editor, without moving or minimizing the other window

I did it!

What I modified is this: (UE version is 4.23)

From TabManager.cpp ( \Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Framework\Docking\TabManager.cpp )

in TSharedRef FTabManager::RestoreArea_Helper()

I found below source,

			// Any windows that were "pulled out" of a dock area should be children of the window in which the parent dock area resides.
			if (bIsChildWindow)
				FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindowAsNativeChild( NewWindow, ParentWindow.ToSharedRef() )->SetContent(
					SAssignNew( NewDockAreaWidget, SDockingArea, SharedThis(this), NodeAsArea.ToSharedRef() ) .ParentWindow( NewWindow )
				FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindow( NewWindow )->SetContent(
					SAssignNew( NewDockAreaWidget, SDockingArea, SharedThis(this), NodeAsArea.ToSharedRef() ) .ParentWindow( NewWindow )

And I modified like this: (just copy and past from line under else{ )

			// Any windows that were "pulled out" of a dock area should be children of the window in which the parent dock area resides.
			if (bIsChildWindow)
				//FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindowAsNativeChild( NewWindow, ParentWindow.ToSharedRef() )->SetContent(
				//	SAssignNew( NewDockAreaWidget, SDockingArea, SharedThis(this), NodeAsArea.ToSharedRef() ) .ParentWindow( NewWindow )
					SAssignNew(NewDockAreaWidget, SDockingArea, SharedThis(this), NodeAsArea.ToSharedRef()).ParentWindow(NewWindow)
				FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindow( NewWindow )->SetContent(
					SAssignNew( NewDockAreaWidget, SDockingArea, SharedThis(this), NodeAsArea.ToSharedRef() ) .ParentWindow( NewWindow )

Then it works! How sweet!!! Thank you!