I just deleted the normal image and can't build it.

First of all, my English is poor. I’m sorry.

I cloned a project because I wanted to reuse it.
The first thing I did was to make sure that the cloned project could be deployed successfully.

Next, I deleted files that were not necessary for the cloned project.
I deleted some BPs and levels, and confirmed that the deployment still completed successfully.

In this way, all the images used under the clone were unlinked, and there were no warnings about any ties when I tried to delete them. I confirmed that I could delete them.

However, when I deleted the images in this state, the deployment did not work properly. If I migrate these multiple image files from the clone source again, it works fine, so I’m pretty sure that these image files are the reason why the build is failing.

However, I just deleted the images that were not used in any BP, Widget, or Level.
I don’t know why I’m getting build errors…

There were no characteristic errors in the logs.

UEBuildTarget.AddPlugin: Ignoring plugin 'MagicLeapMedia' (referenced via default plugins) due to unsupported target platform.
UEBuildTarget.AddPlugin: Enabling plugin 'MagicLeapPassableWorld' (referenced via default plugins)
UEBuildTarget.AddPlugin: Enabling plugin 'MagicLeap' (referenced via default plugins)

Perhaps there is a problem with the use of Japanese in the file name.

Does anyone know of a solution?
I’m hoping for some help.

I would say your English is rather good. Better than most native English-speakers I see on the internet. Certainly much better than Google Translate manages when translating from Japanese!

Are you aware of the Reference Viewer? I’ve found it useful on such occasions. You can access it by right clicking on anything in the Object Browser. It gives you a tree view of all the items that reference that item. It might help you diagnose where things are broken.

However, usually in these sorts of cases I’ve ended up resorting to simply starting all over again and being much more cautious the second time. Delete one thing, test it, delete another… it’s tedious I know, but can save time in the long run.

Thanks for the reply.

I immediately checked the Reference Viewer and found that the file was not referenced by any other file…

I wonder if it is because of the Japanese file name.

When I thought about it, I realized that adding the necessary files to the blank project is the right way to go, instead of deleting the unnecessary files after cloning.

And it seems to have worked, so I’ve solved the problem for now.

I still have a strange feeling, so I will continue to investigate the cause.

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

Okay, I’m glad you’ve fixed it for now.