what should i do?
Hi @ee99233
I would like to help you with this.
First, could you tell me which format you are exporting from 3D Max?
yes,I export animation data with mesh then can import ue5
Let me ask a colleague about that
Hey @ee99233
I talked with my colleague and if you follow those instructions it should work.
Let’s divide it into sections, from 3D Max and in UE5:
First, you need to export the character in a T-Pose and name it SK_Character in FBX format WITHOUT animation data.
Separately, export the animation WITHOUT the mesh and WITHOUT the controls, only the animated bones, in FBX format, naming it AS_Anim…
Import the skeletal mesh SK_Character first.
Next, import the animations AS_Anim, and when Unreal asks if it’s a skeletal mesh, uncheck the option and select the skeleton you imported earlier, SK_Character.
I hope I have been able to help you!
Have a great day