I having problems with blueprint

So I want to create a video on a wall with like a play and pause option for the user , I want it to work like when the user goes near our desired space he can press a key which starts the video on the wall,and when he press the stop key the video stops. I tried to edit some basic media bp but didn’t really worked , so if anyone can help, I will be really grateful,thanks

Are you trying to Play the video on the wall itself or just on the screen as a widget?

I tried doing it as a widget when I couldn’t figure out how can I do it on wall,

thanks for replying.

I found this to be very specific to what you want. You’ll only need to set up the logic of the button to trigger what you want.
If it this didn’t help then I’ll try to make a detailed tutorial for you when I can.

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Thank you so much