I have Twinmotion Revit Plug-n, but NO longer have Revit! Is it possible to import any 3D CAD file created in any other software into Twinmotion and to work on textures and colors in Twinmotion w...

I have Twinmotion Revit Plug-n, but NO longer have Revit!
Is it possible to import any 3D CAD file created in any other software into Twinmotion and to work on textures and colors in Twinmotion with this imported 3D CAD - STL file?

Hello ,

Thank you for asking your question about STL file and you can import it into Twinmotion. I am not sure about any limitation with specific software and you would have to try it out and if you experience issues you can contact us for help.

Here is a reference document on the file format we support:


Hope this helps and let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.