I have some problem on downloading outerworld outer space edition

When I downloaded outer world for the first it was out of 59GO but sundenly two days after that it turns out to be 94GO Not only that since the percentage went back to 4% even thought it should be 20%. So I am confused about it, on one side I think there is bug but on the other hand I think it is due to the fact that it is a big game.
Is it normal ? or is there some problem with it ?

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Hi there,

It looks like the issue you’re describing is about utilizing the Epic Game Store as a player. Unfortunately, this forum is to assist developers and publishers and is not equipped to be able to assist you and you will need to reach out to player support.

Please check out the player support website here: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

The increase from 59GB to 94GB is likely due to updates or additional content. Restart the download and verify game files to resolve any issues.

yeah i am having same issue.
