Version: 5.1.1-23901901+++UE5+Release-5.1
I do right click in the Blueprint window (AnimGraph). And I have only unit State Mahine but not State Machies
So I cant Add New State Machine
At the PC and laptop same situation
How to fix?
Version: 5.1.1-23901901+++UE5+Release-5.1
I do right click in the Blueprint window (AnimGraph). And I have only unit State Mahine but not State Machies
So I cant Add New State Machine
Are you in a function?
What does in mean?
I created Animation → Blueprint and try to add State Machine
Ok. Are you in the anim graph, not the event graph?
Yes, Anim graph
Make a new empty anim BP. Create a state machine. Select the node and copy it. Paste it into your current graph. Have you tried that?
In the new Animation Blueprint same situation.
Even at PC and laptop the same.
Perhabs, UE version bug
Version: 5.1.1-23901901+++UE5+Release-5.1
M.B. there is a way to downgrade to 5.0?
How to inform manufacturers?
Write to SportLoto only?
I only have this
but if I type
But this
adds a new one…
feel stupid))
They just moved unit State Macines from common list to inside the Animation unit.
Not a bug)
afteropenning the anim graph from animation blueprint click and drag on the node that is shown click on “result” and drag then choose “animation” “statemachine”
I still get this issue in 5.3, the only way I can get state machine to appear is searching only ‘Machine’ and nothing else