i have no idea what to do lmao

i’ve tried learning with the uefn docs and doing that verse programming tutorial on the site, but i still can’t grasp how the language works and how to apply it to making games. some of you guys on here seem more knowledgeable on the subject, so what do you think i should do?

Exatly the same problem. I think only some object are scriptable. I want to add a script to an object like Unity but don’t know how to do it :confused:


We’d love to hear more detailed feedback here. Have either of you had a chance to try out the templates using Verse? Sample Projects and Templates

If so, and you feel that they still don’t give a good practical introduction to using Verse, what do you feel could be improved?

More practical guides on prop manipulation maybe.

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Personally I have trouble understanding how to script and do interesting things. I tried to spawn a vortnite prefab and I want it to grow every 2 seconds. But I can’t attach scripts to the prefab. I must be too attached to my experience on unity and godot.

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you need to have the script on that device thingy, tag the object you want to modifiy, find it via tags and then to do stuff with it.

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