I have no idea what people need to run my game

I have been sharing a build of my early snapshot of my game and people can’t start it because things are missing

So I booted up a clean W7 install and tried to run my game. Missing a .DLL which appears to be from c++. Install 2013 vc++. Now it’s missing a direct x .DLL

And so far I am having to use windows update to update it because you can’t download the standalones anymore? How do the steam games do this.

I can’t any information in the documents or anything regarding actually getting this running on other computers. I mean having your build is one thing but installing it and running it on a different PC is a different matter! I am a little bit disappointed in the lack of guidance here, surely I don’t need to repeat others mistakes to solve the problem? If there were a set of binary installers (vcredist and dx, and anythng else I haven’t discovered) that are required for any UE4 game to run that would be good to know

Also there is no Windows game development subforum so I posted in here

I think this issue should go into answerhub, than here. Link: https://answers.unrealengine.com/

Good point. I would expect UE4 to have some option to specify for the game on install to ask the player to choose what features he wants to install (DX, VC++ lib , etc … ) with checkboxes.