I have made a team selection device . But when someone doesnt choose a team in the time it needs to be choose i want them to join the team with the least players does someone know how to do that in creative not unreal editor

I have made a team selection device . But when someone doesnt choose a team in the time it needs to be choose i want them to join the team with the least players does someone know how to do that in creative not unreal editor

Hey Spurkyr,

Is the team choosing in pregame or after game start ?
How many players & how many teams are you using ?
Do players teleport or respawn after choosing a team ?
Do you have a system to stop all players from joining the same team ?

There are a few ways to go about this, I’ll have a think and rave on after your reply

Thanks for your answer .My teamselection is After the game started. My game counts 6 players and 2 teams. Each team 3 players.after choosing team they Teleport. I have a system with the player counter device to stop players from joining a team when the count is on 3