I have installed twinmotion on 2 computers: home and work. How can I share the user library and the materials downloaded from quixel megasca on the two computers?
Now if I open a file on the second computer it loses all new materials created.
thank you
Hi ,
This will only work if you set up a shared user library in shared server.
The materials are downloaded are saved in the hard drive, meaning that when you open Twinmotion in a different PC they will not be available unless a shared user library is created.
More details on how to create a shared user library is available here: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/article/Twinmotion-Shared-User-Library
Just curious to know if a solution to this might be a Dropbox folder?
The same folder can be updated automatically across multiple machines for a single user.
Hoping for an answer to this - could I use a Dropbox folder​ for a shared User Library? (Single user, ie. same Dropbox account across two machines)