I have imported a character rigged to the UE5 Mannequin and it works perfectly in all regards except it floats?

ok so for some context I wanted to try an auto rigging software for a character model that i have called AccuRIG and its pretty amazing. I managed to rig my character to the UE5 skeleton and put it into the engine replacing the standard mannequin mesh.

Everything works fine and all the animations work great however my character is floating slightly in the air and I have no idea how to fix this issue, my initial thought was that it was an issue with the capsule half Hight but no matter how much I change this it doesn’t seem to change the fact that my character is floating. How can I go about fixing this?

I would check the root bones z position and adjust it in AccuRig then re-import.

The first thing to check is the setting of the capsule height within the character.

If that checks out and is correct, you can then move on from there to whatever else.
Like OP did.

Before you go any further, you probably just move the mesh down manually right then and there to align with the floor

This however, only if you are 100% sure that the height position of the pelvis bone was changed to correctly match your character.