I have ghost collisions in my scene that are preventing me from going forward in every way you can think of and do not know what to do.

For some reason there are ghost collisions all over my scene that I cannot spot and I do not know what to do. I thought maybe they were bad collisions from these skeletal mesh banners hanging from buildings that I duplicated all over the scene, but it was not. I tried deleting all of those and it worked no differently. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this, the charaacter cannot really move to far beyond its starting point. Some invisible wall seems to be blocking him through. The mapping ground for the town streets that I have laid out has complex for simple collision in place along with anything else that would noticeable constrict the characters movement. And I just do not know what to do. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

Since the Player Start is showing BADsize, It’s probably a really big object in the level with blocking collision. Is there any object in the scene that’s encompassing everything? like a sky sphere or something.

Basically, everything in your level seem to be inside another colliding object. That’s my guess.

So I was able to get rid of the “Bad Size” icon by setting the capsule component back to the world origin and then moving it back to where I had it. But, that sadly did not change anything. I think it is natural for items to imported with overlapping simple collisions by default and I do not think that it is anything of that nature. I cannot locate any obvious collision that would keep the character from moving beyond this invisible wall that seems to be there though. It is a strange issue, I think.

There use to be a way in the Unreal Engine 4 to edit all static meshes in the scene and to change all collisions from simple to complex, but that option does not seem to be there in Unreal 5 for some reason. That possibly could have fixed it.


Yeah, I cannot get that option to pull up in the property matrix editor.

The ghost collisions run horizontally and vertically for where through to the ends of the map as in the sky and down below and all the way to the side ends of the world of the scene and it is so strange, to me it seems that it could not be an import. I checked my sky sphere and changed simple collision to complex, but of course it did not change anything. Then I deleted the landscape to see if that had anything to do with it and it did not affect the matter at all either. Then I tried duplicating everything into a new level and that did not work either. Same ghost collision still exists.

So, it is one of the imports, I deleted my third mass import folder and the problem fixed. So I have to go through everything in that folder for some reason and see what it is.

Okay, so it turns out the property matrix editor was not the right place for me. And I narrowed the collision issues down to windows and window frames that had imported in incorrectly in my third mass import and just set the collision settings from “default” to “no collision” in the details tab with all of the assets selected.

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