I have forgotten how to make a collision box OnBeginOverlapEvent

Select box component

then you can use RMB->Collision->BginOverlap

or find events on right panel and click on BeginOverlap


This is what I wrote some time back. Box is a collision box inside an actor that I have an event for. Now I wanted to make an OnComponentEndOverlap, but all I am able to do is assign/bind an event to the box. How do I make these events without binding or assigning and removing the need for several nodes and OnBeginPlay?


I just found it and I was on my way to delete the question. Anyways, thanks. I feel so stupid now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, for basic ONComponentBeginOverlap(Box), You might want to make sure you are only checking if the player overlaps. The rest is really depending on what you want to do with it.