I have coded and elevator system but I cannot figure out how to approach certain aspects with timers and buffers

I am midway through creating an elevator system. The system consist of 2 blueprints. The elevator blueprint containing the meshes, doors, door closing code; and the button blueprint that references the elevator and reads booleans to check the state of the elevator and send the right event.

Currently the elevator doors are the main issue as I am lerping between one vector and another using a timeline. This system is ok for general use but I want a true elevator so want the button to reverse the door open. Some of this code now is broken as I tried to implement new ideas, I just need a new idea to store bools

To simplify:
Elevator button checks if elevator is open/closed -----> Sends event to open door -----> open door event, after finishing triggers my buffer event to wait 3 seconds then close the door.