I have an AI Walking along a spline, but I want multiple instances of the AI to begin at a random location along the spline, how do I do this?

So as you can see below, I have set up a basic AI that moves along the spline from the first point to the last at a set time (30 seconds). It walks along the path like normal, no problems.

The issue is when I try and add an instance of the AI to also wander along the spline, they group together. Unless I change how long it takes for them to complete a loop (Which i’d prefer not to do because it changes their walk speed) I can’t seem to figure it out.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

You spawn A group of them at a time?
How about spawn the AI one by one.
Like after delay 1 second to spawn next one?

I haven’t been spawning them in at the moment, just placing them to test but I’ll set something up to spawn them in on a delay and I’ll see if it solves it.

The level will end up having them spawn in when further along development anyway so might be a good idea to figure it out right away.

and the movement logic might has some problem…
Ai move to shouldn’t use like this

You should wait for the AI to reach the destination.
Then get next location along the spline,and move to there again.