I have a problem

In the foilage tool properties you can find a min. scale and a . scale -> change the values to get a good variation :slight_smile:

oh ok thanks

Your first pictureception rocks :smiley: The Paint Density slider also can help adding some variation if you change its value once a while when painting.


Thank you

The only thing that you have to do is to set your quality settings to epic + then, depending on your trees, you could also add some colour variation (you can use the speedtree colour node or create your own colour variation: ?v=cp6JQVHWeEw)

where are the quality settings?

Click on the “settings” button (the upper bar beside “Marketplace”) - scalability - set it to epic :slight_smile:

Can i have the ground look realistic like the trees?

Just use good ground textures + materials -> take a look at the ones from the kite demo or the starter content

Thank you. This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.

I wasn’t aware that you could have it save them, this will save me lots of time now that I won’t be in Photoshop editing & cropping all of my pictures.

How can i get realistic grass instead of the lines?

Build your light or use dynamic lights + add some grass meshes

Where are the grass meshes?

Where are the grass meshes?

Either create your own ones, use the ones from the kite demo or download my free vegetation package :slight_smile: