I have a problem with Cascaded Shadow Maps

Hi !

I have a problem with “Dynamic Shadow Distance StationnaryLight” (only with small objects).
When i go away from the object the shadows disappear BUT when i go even further, the shadows come back !

The transition (baked/realtime) does not go well with small objects while with large objects the transition works properly.

No settings on “cascaded shadow maps” correct this problem.

Look the pictures for better understand even if this problem is more visible in real time than in the photos.

I use the version 4.17.2

Thank you ! :slight_smile:

I show you a more understandable example :


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This problem disappears by decreasing the value of r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold

I found a solution to my problem on this link Shadows disappear with increased camera distance - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

I had this problem on 4.17 but it was corrected on 4.19. Fixed issue.