Ok, how about the cylinder actually taking control?
It already changes the collision on the ball. Could it also pull the ball in using a timeline?
Ok, how about the cylinder actually taking control?
It already changes the collision on the ball. Could it also pull the ball in using a timeline?
I’m trying to create a blliard similar game for mobile
the view:
So I created a cylinder actor with an overlap event that set the collision of the actors that touch it to false for 0,5sec and this works properly, but now I have to make the balls fall into the hole, so I did a new impulse (like the one I use to move the white ball) after a sleep but it seems to only push the ball up (or down inverting the vectors) on the y axes
level blueprint:
ball blueprint:
the make2dvector was a try but didn’t change anything
just another little questions:
there is a way to make the physics balls to not turn after a bounce? (sometimes the bounce make it not to go linear)
You’re making it very hard for yourself. If you make the balls physics assets, everything will happen automatically, ball bouncing, falling in pockets etc.
And top it up with a physical material for even more control.
I want raondom hole spawning in the future so there is no actually real holes, i need to simulate the fall with the event
Then you could just turn off the collision on the ball, and it would fall because of physics.
yes, if you read I did exactly this but that’s not the problem, I also need to push the ball inside the hole with the correct direction and power to not make it penetrate the green mesh
I found out by myself that the location of the ball actors wasn’t updating so after a little search I understood the problem: the mesh wasn’t the root and fixed it all worked well.
I’m still searching a way to improve the bounce of the physics balls (to make it perfectly linear)