I had claimed megascans, but looks i cant download them.


They are not free for me to download , but I know I had claim them as soon they anounced . Any solution please ???

What type of bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Can’t download load the megascans . U know I had claimed them !!!

Expected Result

I had claimed them !!!

Observed Result

I had claimed them !!!


Google chrome

Operating System


You need to login to download them.

Im logged in. But i see they are not free to download… i have just purchase opstions.

Where are you logged in?

Fab and epic games. Are u able to download from fab the claimed assets ?

If you are indeed logged in to Fab(click on the top right corner to make sure) and you claimed those assets with this account than you should be able to download them. If not, contact Epic support.

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