I get this error when building from source on mac

Setup.command runs fine. GenerateProjectFiles.command does not.

It gives me this error:
Existing C# project /Users/benflight/Documents/UnrealEngine-ue5-main/Engine/Source/Programs/MemoryProfiler2/MemoryProfiler2.csproj must contain a Debug configuration

I’m using the latest ue5-main branch. Looking at a 61.67GB source code folder pre-build so if anyone has any tips to keep the file sizes down also when building from source that would be great.

was getting the same issue so I deleted it, works now.

You can overwrite the folder:


with the version from the “ue5-release-engine-staging” branch and it will compile.

This appears to be a temporary glitch that will probably be fixed in the next day or so. Sometime the “ue5-main” branch doesn’t compile like this because of temporary bugs, but they usually fix them really fast when they are blocking compilation.

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Thank you, it works for me.

Sadly…but Xcode gives me “not enough space left” or something like that during build :frowning:

Overwriting the memoryprofiler2 folder does work for me and the generateprojectfiles.command works properly now.

But when building in xcode i get “externalbuildtoolexecution exited with nonzero exit code”.

Really frustrating.