Hi all
I upgraded from 4.19.2 to 4.21.2
this is the first project I’v done in C++ and get this
the project could not be compiled. Would you loke to open it in Visual Studio
I changed nothing in visual Studio on upgraded unreal
I had to take 4.19.2 off on my hard drive not enough room for both
did that take some thing out of VS? that I need to reinstall?
I’m using window 10
Visual Studio 2017
Whenever you change the release of Unreal when opening a C++ project, you need to recompile it. There is nothing wrong with your VS 2017 setup.
but this is a brand new project from the start sorry for not saying that already
Run Visual Studio and check if there is any update on it. You can check this as appear a small flag at the top right portion of Visual Studio screen. Sometimes new toolchains are required by newer UE4 version and maybe something is missing at your Visual Studio.
If that still does not work, try to open the file “.sln” found at your project directory and try to compile it directly. Post here any error message inside Visual Studio log window.
thanks that worked greatly appreciated
Glad to know! Good luck on your project!