I get a message saying "DX11 feature level 10.0" What should I do?

i updated windows 7 to 10 and when i start UE appears (DX11 Feature level 10.0), I dont know what is DX11,I tried to run the program and the launcher as administrator and verify the download but it still did not open, I already tried to do several things that they told me to do but none worked for me, what i can do? :frowning: (sorry my english is horrible)

You should tell us what video cards you have installed in your system. You’d normally get this message when your video adapter is too old to support features required by the engine.

This message is not related to you installing Windows 10.

I dont have a old Graphic card, it’s a bit new, but i dont know what is the minimun requirements

I think that’s a DirectX error, this error occurs when you DirectX is not up to date, I invite you to update your directX and then retry.
When freshly installing windows, it’s not obvious that you will have the last update of directX and that’s may be the source of your problem.

It’d be easier and faster if you just told us what video card you have. Or simply Google whether your card can handle DirectX 11 and what features it supports.

but i dont know what is the minimun

Officially it’s Geforce 470 or equivalent but folks run the engine on lower spec, providing it supports DX11

i have a intel graphics HD 3000, I dont have a Geforce graphic card,right now I investigate if it is compatible with directX 11

I dont have a old Graphic card, it’s a
bit new

i have a Intel Core i7-2640M CPU

This processor has an integrated Intel® HD Graphics 3000 - it does not support DX11 and cannot be used to run the engine. It simply is very, very weak and much too old.

If you do not have a dedicated graphic card, there’s nothing you can do. Also, this is a laptop, the processor has only 2 cores. So even if you invested in an external enclosure with a video card (not worth it here), the performance would be rather terrible anyway.

tl;dr: you’re trying to run a cutting edge game engine on a 9yo laptop that had no graphic capabilities when it was released back then.

Sorry, this will not work.

I based my answer on Microsoft’s support forum :


I posted the answer the same time the question was posted, that was before knowing that there is no graphic card, but it was only approved today that’s why :slight_smile:

This is not true and will not help here. This is a hardware level issue as explained in the other post.