When you are playing the standalone game and you are in a Widget with Modal Activated…if you press (in my case) the Windows button to exit the game without closing it …when you go back to the game the modal bug and you can walk away or input commands
Hi ,
Does this occur in a blank project with no additional content? What version of the editor are you currently using?
I used the 4.4.0 and in a third person template
Hi ,
Try creating a blank project that has no additional content, including starter content. This should be the first project on the list of ones you can create. Does this error occur there?
I will try
and if it happens…I will record a video
Funny…one week ago this error showed 100% of the cases…now he just vanished…must be the two updates of 4.4…
Hi ,
I am happy to hear this is no longer occurring. I will mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If you experience this error again, please comment here with the additional information. Thank you!