I find a problem about EQS Generate AddGeneratedVector,please check it

void UEnvQueryGenerator_BlueprintBase::AddGeneratedVector(FVector Vector) const
if (ensure(ItemType->IsChildOf<UEnvQueryItemType_ActorBase>() == false))
UE_LOG(LogEQS, Error, TEXT(“Trying to generate a Vector item while generator %s is configured to produce Actor items”)
, *GetName());

It shouldn’t be UEnvQueryItemType_VectorBase?

Can anyone help me?

You need to set the Generated Item Type of your generator to EnvQueryItemType_Point. If you’re using blueprints, Open the generator BP and click Class Defaults, then you can set it from the drop down in Details.

Also make sure your Generated Item Type and Context is set to match what you set in your query graph.

Old question, but hope this helps someone!