I finally released Ultimate Tile! A single powerful Substance material for generating tiled surfaces

Check out the showreel here

Ultimate Tile is a powerful Substance material and the perfect single solution for creating stunning tiled surfaces for all of your projects. From a single input image and with well over 100 parameters, the variation is limitless.

Textures generated are Diffuse/Normal/AO/Roughness/Metallic/Height up to 4K resolution.

This asset come complete with an amazing showroom demo level showcasing the versatility of the Ultimate Tile material, as well as over 100 sample tile map sample images for use with the material that include a huge range of classic designs. Source files are provided for both the Ultimate Tile .sbsar file as well as the Adobe Illustrator file in which all sample tile maps were created.

All screenshots/videos were taken in Unreal Engine version 4.27 and lit with static global illumination.

Available on the Unreal Marketplace here