Hi everyone.
I have a really basic question for you.
I’m not a complete noob, i’ve done some 3d modelling before so understand the basic of creating objects and things so was doing ok following the tutorial on creating a little house.
I got to the final part of this page -
and this is where I started to come unstuck.
How to I create the window and doors? can create the block and shape it into a wall, but how do i cut out the area for the door?
I figured i could use 3 seperate blocks; to the left of the door, to the right of the door and above the door, but they don’t line up perfectly and this seems like it’s a really poor way of doing it.
What am I missing and how to I make some holes?
-either use the assets which are included in the starter content
-when you use bsp brushes, use the subtraction mode
-otherwise you will have to do it in your 3d program
Hay buddy like you iam a noob(ish) so we have to stick togeather:) if you go in to the leval and use a box tool resize it and set the bush to subtractive then you should be abe to stik it in to the wall to create a hole and then just stick the window frame from the starter content round the outside problem sorted
What I’ve noticed from here is that I have the same issue. And it’s not for lack of understanding what I need to do, it’s more for finding where the settings/options for this are. In every tutorial I have seen, the options are not available on the download I did two days ago (ver 4.7.2)
In both the “modes” and “details” tabs in the UI, there is nothing about subtractive brush modes and the like. I cannot for the life of me find any trace of them in any menu I search under. Been looking for nearly two hours and nada. Could someone please, pretty please, point this out.
Firstly, thanks for the responses, that was **** fast! Secondly, this helped me find my mistake: I was looking for this under basic objects instead of BSP. facedesk I guess I should take a step back and learn what all the terminology in UE4 is first, which may make understanding different components of the UI and tutorials for them easier.