I’m somewhat of a noob to UE4. Trying to wrap my head around some concepts, and having a bit of trouble.
I’m following the blueprint tutorials and one of them is to make a launch platform that, when the player steps on it, launches the pawn into the air. One of the end of exercise challenges is to add a timeline to make it so there’s some animation when it’s triggered. I thought a great thing to do would be to make it so the platform springs up and then returns back to normal when the player is launched. In any other bit of animation software I would accomplish this by making a timeline that goes from the origin point to the top of the arc, then back to the origin.
When I do this, what I get is the platform going up, but not coming back down. It’s almost as if it’s literally adding the given value in the animation graph to the previous value every tick rather than offsetting it by the amount specified. Is this what’s happening? How do I get a relative offset according to the current value in the graph?
@Raildex_, I missed the point of your original post. Yes, I did need to use SetRelativeLocation or SetActorLocation. Although, I still don’t see a need for a lerp node.
@jporter313, the actual timeline node works like you think it should, independent of tick rates. it’s the ‘addLocalOffset’ node that is accumulating delta Y. ‘AddLocalOffset’ moves an actor in the supplied direction according to its local coordinate system. That, as **Raildex_ **points out, causes it to be tick dependent. AddLocalOffset with an input of 0 will not reset the actor’s position.
Are you maybe confusing ‘relative’ with ‘offset’? I tested the bp in the image attached in my earlier post, but I’ve found the way I did it in this attached link to work better. Your mesh will need to be a child of a SceneComponent.