I don't see the Rich Tooltip and Help Icon

I don’t see the Rich Tooltip and Help Icon.
Is there a good solution to display?

Dear valued Unreal Engine user,

If possible, have you tried launching the editor with other language settings? Does it work if you launch it with English, for example?

If so it may be that a language specific issue, such as the documentation not being found or translated for that locale and so it skips adding the help anchors or tooltips. Do you have any errors in the Output log related to missing language files or ICU?

You could check for places that Documentation::Get()->CreateAnchor gets called when creating the SPlacementModeTool widgets in the engine code and check to see under which conditions it will add or not add the anchor. If there is a bug or missing localization, you could submit a pull request on github with a fix.

Thank you for your continued support,

I have the same problem : there is no Help Icon in Unreal Editor 4.26 nor 4.25.4 on a MacPro/BigSur/48Gb Ram/8GB RadeonRX580.
Ctrl+Alt does not expand the tooltip as well.
I un-installed and re-installed both Epic Game Launcher and Editor but it does not fix the issue.
Please, help to fix this.
Thank you Epic team
