I don't see Basic | Cube in Unreal Engine 4.6

I’m trying to learn how to use Unreal Engine 4.6.1. I’m following these tutorials:

She creates a cube by going to Basic | Cube
I don’t see that option in Unreal Engine 4.6.1
I see they have a BSP menu with Box, but the box isn’t the same as a cube. With the cube you can easily make it moveable. Is there an easy way to create a cube in Unreal Engine 4.6?

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It’s available from the ‘place actors’ dialog. You might need to turn that on in the ‘window’ menu.

I don’t see the Place Actors Dialog under windows

Ok, they used to call it ‘modes’, you already have it open

Just click the ‘basic’ button


Its not under Basic anymore. In Unreal Engine 4.2 - 4.4 thats where it used to be…but they seemed to have moved it now. They now have a new menu item, BSP. And under BSP there is a box, but the box isn’t the same as a cube.

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I would verify the engine


I’m using Unreal Engine 4.6.1

Yes, I think you can still verify the engine from the Launcher?..

If you must use UE 4, why use 4.6?! 4.27 is probably what you want. No?

I’m trying to learn how to use Unreal Engine 4.6.1

You’re doing yourself a disfavour. Almost a sabotage :innocent:

I guess I should try 4.27 instead. Why did they change 4.6 so much?

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A lot…

Don’t updates usually make software better, not worse?

4.6 is very old (10 years?!), UE4 4.27 is the most recent UE4… The numbering goes like this 4.1 4.2 … 4.9 4.10 4.11… 4.27

There are 21, yes - twenty one, versions between 4.6 and 4.27!

Don’t updates usually make software better, not worse?

Usually, yes. Not always, though:


Ohhhhhh!!! That makes more sense now! Thank you!

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