I’m new to unreal Engine, I have two objects a character and a rope (the rope is: rigged, has a socket at its end, uses an actor blueprint), both are in 3D space in a side scroller, each of the rope and the character has a swinging animation, I’m using a collision check if they collide, how to make the character attach itself to the rope in the socket area or into the corresponding rope bone?
please see this YouTube video as it will illustrate what I want to achieve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpafx3POyno
Thanks for the but when using the socket, I’m getting strange results, like the location and rotation of the attached mesh is wrong and when the original mesh moves the attached mesh acts funny, I tried to handle that with a location and rotation variables, but is there a different way? also the attached mesh is not connecting to the other mesh to where it should attach but it floats around the rope mesh
@ShadowOf047 has the same issue that I’m facing, he is describing it in detail in the forums link bellow: I used a workaround for mine, but I think it’s a bug, i’m using Unreal Engine release 4.18.3 How do I attach an actor to an actor? - Blueprint Visual Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums](How do I attach an actor to an actor? - Blueprint Visual Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums)