I don't find 'for loop' for array


I just have ForEach…Niagara and the shortcut with F doesn’t work.

Which blueprint are you trying this in? Although I can’t really think of anything where a standard macro would not be available. :expressionless:

I try in a widget blueprint


I’m not able to find the nodes ‘foreach loop’ even if I disable the context sensitive. It seems that all the loop nodes concerning arrays are not available in my version of Unreal Engine (4.26).

Is there a parameter to modify or my version of the engine has a problem?

Thank you in advance for your help.

So what happens if you do this in the level blueprint?

You can also hold the F button and click in the graph - it’s a shortcut.

I tried in another widget blueprint and that works. I think there is a problem with my first widget blueprint. I will recreate a WB because I don’t understand where is the problem finally. Thank you for your help.

If anyone else finds this (lonely and solitary!) reference to the problem of missing FOR nodes in a Widget BP in 4.26, I have a ‘fix’ for you…

BTW, I tried using a fresh Widget BP as suggested above, but that didn’t solve the problem; neither did restarting the engine.

All I did to work around the issue was to create a new BP (although I expect it would also work using a preexisting BP) derived from an Actor, go into the event graph, and right click into the space; both the For and ForEach loops were available as expected. I then copied and pasted the required node into my Widget BP. From then on, the nodes were appearing in the Actions (i.e. the right click menu) as expected.

I hope this helps someone; it had me tearing out my hair (not that I have much left these days!) until I guessed at this workaround!



This works, had this issue in UE5-main branch as well =]

Still an issue on UE5 Preview 2, bizarre and annoying…

Just to add that this issue still exists in UE5.0.1 but copying and pasting the “for” loop object from another blueprint works.

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Yup adding this also, not showing up in widget bp, madness! We can’t be the only ones having this issue lol?

This issue has been reported, reproduced by staff and is being tracked in our ticketing system.

Apparently the for loop in widget BP comes back if you create an actor BP and looking for a for loop in that BP and then go back to your widget blueprint…


This bug still exist in UE5.

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WTF!? just happened to me in UE5…

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Yeah I can confirm this is still a bug; this just happened to me too. Copying the For Each from another blueprint is a workaround though.

Same problem over here. Unable to for each loop on array. Its hard to believe they did not fix such an important logic like that for that much long time. Come on Epic Games?!

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It Works… Epic needs to take care of this bug…

Sigh I just got this bug.

Fustrating, No amount of creating new bps can I access it.

Anyone got any new fixes?

I just fixed this! I tried at level blueprint not in widget blueprint. once you get ‘for loop’ for your level BP, and then you can find it in widgetBP as well.

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