hello guys, I have a question on unreal camera , I created a new blank project, I created a character and 'I imported it, but I do not know how to create a camera that follows the character, the camera should be isometric and the player can zoom on the character and rotate the camera 360 degrees, but do not know how to do, I tried but I had no sucess, can anyone help me? I leave you a link to a video that shows how the camera should work youtube link
Hello giammarco,
What you are looking to do is create an ‘Actor Blueprint’ and add your characters mesh. Then you will add a ‘Camera Component’ as well as a ‘Spring Arm’ component to control the cameras distance from the character.
The documentation on creating a camera is great, and will hopefully answer any questions you have upon setting this up for your project!
Using Cameras
Let me know if you found this helpful, or if you need further assistance.
thank you for your help, now it works