I deleted objects, saved and closed project, but after reopening project "deleted" objects are still intact (even SourseTree sees changes, but not UE5)

Hi everyone! I need some advicešŸ™

Iā€™m using Unreal Engine 5 and SourceTree for the project. Iā€™ve deleted some objects, saved progress and closed the editor. After that I opened SourceTree and saw that SourceTree also sees the made changes. Before commiting it I decided to open the same project in Unreal again. I noticed that the deleted objects are still intact (for some reason) even though SourceTree continues to see them as ā€œdeletedā€. I closed the project again, committed and pushed the changes, but even after that ā€œdeletedā€ objects are still in my project.

Have you encountered anything like it?